Chakra Affirmations.

Root Chakra: I am
Colour: Red.
I am safe.
I feel grounded.
I feel connected to Mother Earth.
My roots are deep and strong.
I believe in myself.
I am brave.
I am strong.

Sacral Chakra: (Splenic) I feel.
Colour; Orange.
I am a creative soul.
I easily find creative solutions for all the challenges.
I honour and accept my sexuality.
I feel excited and passionate about the things I do.

Solar Plexus Chakra: I do.
I am a confident being.
I have strong willpower.
I believe in myself.
I trust my abilities.

Heart Chakra: I love.
I am a being of love and light.
I can forgive myself and others.
I am kind to myself.
I am kind to people.
I am kind to material things and creatures of Mother Nature.

Throat Chakra: I speak.
I am an honest person.
I can convey my feelings.
My ideas matter.
My opinion matters.
I can listen and honour the opinion of others.

Third-eye Chakra: I see.
I am a wise being.
I have an innate ability to look beyond the apparent.
The Universe guides me all the time.
I listen to the subtle messages my soul conveys me.
I am an observer.

Crown Chakra: I understand.
I am one with the Universe.
I am at peace.
I have a strong intuition.
I live in the here and now.
I have a deep connection with the wisdom of the Universe.


Modern Hippie Therapy.


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