
Showing posts with the label Childline

Mental Fitness: The News

The Tooth Fairy. Oil on canvas.  Celia Turner. A little while ago I found myself sitting in the dentist's waiting room. I don't mind visiting the dentist, in fact I quite enjoy it, so different is the experience compared to when I was a child. Back then it was such a gruesome affair, brutal even, compared to modern day dentistry   I remember the waiting room of yesteryear, extremely uncomfortable rickety chairs, peeling paint and pictures of gnarled old trees adorned the walls. My brothers and I would make up stories about those trees, anything to keep our minds from Mr Paddyachy, he of the white coat and cruel intentions. In the surgery of modern times there are no pictures or peeling paint. On the wall is a flat screen television. Sky News is on all the time. We, the patients, are treated to scenes of utter devastation, tiny babies being pulled from the aftermath of an earthquake, dusty faces, and bewildered eyes stare at us from the ruins. We see a shot of a bedroom